My mom has a favorite mug, a pottery one, that fits perfect in her hand and holds just the right amount of coffee, because she only has one cup per day. In fact she's pretty particular about her coffee as well. She has an Actual saying on the kitchen wall that reads "hand over the coffee and no one gets hurt."
Once when I was visiting I put a little Cinnamon in the coffee grounds when I was asked to make it, just for something different. That went over like a lead balloon.When my Mom tried it , her immediate reaction was "What did you do to the coffee? " My Dad informed me that you don't mess with the coffee. Ever.
So at that I had learned two valuable lessons, which shall ever keep me safe and alive while visiting my parents: Don't mess with the coffee, and by all things sacred, and holy, Do not under any circumstance touch the favorite mug.
So while out at the ranch last weekend, I came down for breakfast and went to pour myself a cup of coffee. I said to my mom," Where's your mug?"
Just to cover myself from grabbing the wrong one, and she said, "Here, you are." she had handed me an identical pottery mug. "I really like this one, she continued, "that's why I have 3 of the same." I began teasing her about her favorite mug.
But then I had to confess something. "I have a favorite mug too." I said.

But I didn't realize how important this mug was to me until one day when a guest was in my house and used it. I couldn't believe how perturbed I was. My mug was being used, and it wasn't by me. It was like an itch I couldn't scratch. I could handle it okay if it was broken by me, but certainly not someone else. But I would never say anything to a guest in my home. I would never, ever, make my guest feel uncomfortable by any means. I would sacrifice my mug before that happened.
As my Mom listened, a knowing smile spread across her face. She handed me the egg flipper and told me to watch the pancakes. She disappeared and when she came back she held a box in her hand and gave it to me.

Inside was another mug that matched my mug. She had bought two that day.
"I meant to give this to you when you moved into your house," she said,"Now you have two."
I was surprised, shocked and delighted. I couldn't believe it. She had bought another mug and had kept it all this time.
And, then it hit me like a ton of bricks: When it comes to coffee and mugs,
I'm like my Mom?????
You think you get disturbed when someone borrows your mug? I had my favorite outright stolen from me! The Big Viking has, over the course of time, obtained squatter's rights to a mug given to me by an old writing friend 12+ years ago (no dear, not you this time). Squatter's rights is a difficult issue to deal with and I should have nipped it in the bud when it started. Having said this, I purchased myself a new mug and saw him one morning having coffee in it. I quickly and effectively dumped the coffee down the sink and told him firmly that if he touched it again I would take a hammer to it - if I can't have sole access to that mug no one can. He gave me a very wide radius that day and has not touched it since. I still think he's quite confused by the power-game-play I used that day. Anyways.... Love ya!
Coffee mugs are serious items and not to be taken lightly. Fret not about that. You have personal rights to your mug. While I do not have a mug - I do have a plastic cup. It's large, it's kinda ugly and IT IS MINE. What saves me is that no one has ever wanted to drink out of it...
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