My petunia bed borders the lane that separates Thea's house from ours. When we first moved to the house , it was just a strip of lawn with enough of a mound, that

Thea spent the spring watching for the tulips to come up and every few days counted them. One day, as I came home from walking Gem school she said, "I stopped counting at 79."
Thea and Mr. G. are pretty good neighbours for the most part,they are friendly, and watch over our place when we leave on holidays. In fact they will give us the make and model of every car that comes to my driveway, if they think its necessary. Once a couple of summers ago, we had the blinds up and windows open because it was hot. The next day Thea comes up to me and says," I see you had your sewing machine out last night, what were you sewing?" Carpenter and I decided we would one night leave all the blinds up, windows open, and have an orgie on the dining room table, to really give them something to talk about.
Most recently however, they have pushed the boundary of "friendly neighbour". My petunia bed was filling with weeds and I really didn't have the time to weed it. Let's face it, who really likes to weed anything? I am not a Green Thumb by any means, in fact, my entire philosophy on gardening is "If I happen to forget to water or fertilize a plant, it just shrivels and dies quietly." Ironically, most of my flowers do quite well, and so do the weeds. While I was away, last weekend, Thea and Mr. G. took it upon themselves to be my "weed fairy" and weeded my entire petunia bed. When I returned home, Thea was standing on her balcony, and said, "I see you had a visit from the weed fairy."
I thanked her for doing the job, but, I became irked by the whole thing when I saw weeds dying in the grass I had planted next to the petunia beds. The evidence was clear that they had not only weeded the petunias, but had sprayed the lawn with "killex ".
Damn, those neighbors. Maybe if you left the living room cluttered AND left the blinds open, they would come over and clean your house too!
Or leave all the ingredients for a big dinner out and the blinds in the kitchen open and see if they make dinner.
Could be that they just hate weeds and are a little pathological about it. Try dressing up as a weed at Halloween and see how they respond.
Yes, they may hate weeds, but now that a few days have gone by, their "helpfulness " has not only killed the weeds, but in spots, the grass as well. Lovely.
take some round up and (under the cover of night - as such things are best done then - surreptitiously sneak onto their yard and write WEEDS with it in their grass. Then they will always have weeds no matter what they do. Maybe they will come to love and accept them in both their lawn and yours as well...
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