Monday, February 19, 2007

Why I hate fortune cookies.

We went away over the weekend with the intent to visit my father in law, Papa Gruff. Carpenter wanted to do some ice fishing. So we loaded up the truck last Thursday and travelled North to a small Community, where the only pool is located in a hotel, but they have 2 ice rinks, the downtown core is exactly one block long, the mayor has held her position for over twenty years, and the "Fancy"restaurant is aptly named the Hoof and Harness.
The town is small and charming, like other small towns of its size in North America, I suppose, and we have a special attachment to it, Carpenter and I lived there when we were first married, and his Father is still there.
We booked a hotel room, so that it would seem more like a holiday, and when we arrived we had dinner with Papa Gruff and his significant other Ann. Carpenter's brother Dwayne, joined us with his daughter Soapy, and significant other Tweena. Papa Gruff was not into the Hoof and Harness, said it was a little too fancy for his taste, so we went over to the Blue Sky diner that specialized in a Chinese food buffet.
The food was quite tasty, and conversation flowed easily, Jules and Gem insisted Papa Gruff sit next to them and for the most part they enjoyed Soapy's company too. Our waitress, of course knew all of our names and passed around a mini album of her newest grand-baby. While we talked, she brought out the fortune cookies, and we began reading them. As most of them were "lame", as Papa Gruff put it, Carpenter suggested that we add the phrase "In Bed" to the end of the statement. As the cookies came to me, I cracked mine open, and read it. Ann and Tweena asked what mine was. I showed them, for I could not bring myself to read it out loud, and they agreed with me that it was one that should be kept silent.
Then Carpenter arrived back at the table Ann said, " You should ask your wife what her fortune is!" , She began to laugh. NOW I don't know Ann all that well, for we have only seen her a few times. She is new to the family, but we shared a bottle of wine and I must say, I'm beginning to like her, although at that moment, I was more shocked than anything.
I handed the fortune to Carpenter, and unfolding it, he read out loud, and loud enough for everyone to hear(okay, I walked right into that one I know) :
" You must accept the next proposition you hear - in bed!"
Everyone began roaring with laughter, even the tables next to us had a few chuckles, I'm sure my face was as read as my sweater. Mortified as I was, it was pretty funny. Of all the fortune cookies on the table I had to pick up that one. At least it made for interesting conversation over our Bailey's and Coffee.
So if you happen to travel northward, end up stopping at a little diner called the Blue Sky, and overhear a conversation regarding a silly fortune cookie, you'll know it was some gossip about me.


Nicole said...

Thanks for the comments about my writing - I'm being inspired by the best!

More Laundry said...

I think I read that about you in the bathroom stall HAHA!

The Hattons... said...

It's nice hearing stories about home, especially when I know who and what your talking about. I'm sure on my next trip there I will still be hearing about your story ...