Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Six Figures

This past week or two has been the crappiest in a while, I must say. First I find I have a sinus infection, which, is unbelievably painful. For those of you unfortunate as to have had one in the past, you know two things, one, you cry from the pressure behind your eyes, with out actually feeling the crying emotion, and every time you breathe, you feel like your head will explode. IF you are a parent, you know that the only thing worse than being sick your self, is being sick while your child is sick too.
Gem contracted an ear infection around the same time and just when I thought she was on the mend, she spiked a fever and this morning woke up with spots on her chest. I took her to the Doc who informed me, again that is was viral induced, and much like her fever , it will just have to run its course. Woo Hoo, I guess its back to tylenol, t.v, and books.
I had picked up a copy of Chatelaine to read while we waited for the Doc. I flipped through the unending - "this will make you _________ (skinny, tall, beautiful, young, sexy etc.) "adds, looking for something interesting. Then a little article caught my eye. Can Someone find their calling at age 22? It talked about how a few famous people eg. Coco Chanel, Jane Goodall and a few others discovered at an early age, what takes some people years to figure out- what they were meant to be and do. Now, some of them are famous and millionaires.
So did I? Did I at 22? NOPE. Are you kidding? I kept waiting for that "A-Ha" moment to hit me like a ton of bricks. At the time I was struggling to complete a Fine Arts Degree, adjusting to health changes and family drama.I continued waiting for the door to open, I didn't aggressively search for it. I just figured it would happen. But life doesn't always turn out like you thought it would.
Now, with a degree under my belt, people often ask me what it is I do with it. Truth is I don't have a job or a career from it. And when I tell them I'm a stay at home mother of 2 kids ,they just shake their heads at me and say "What a waste."
I am grateful that I have the opportunity to stay home with my kids. Sure it has it's demanding times. Dealing with sick kids, when I too am under the weather, generally just sucks! Living on a single income is difficult, and sometimes I wish I was in an office somewhere bringing in money, because lets face it, a single income doesn't always cut it when it comes to bills.
But I love that I can cuddle Gem through her fever, make cookies with her or walk her to school. It doesn't bother me that a career is on the back burner. It's more important, that I be with my kids right now. And if I think about it, we actually do make six figures, as long as I include the decimal points.

1 comment:

Lisa! said...

Hi Tanis!
You are so right . . . now is the best time to be with the kids . . . and no a single income does not always pay the bills are give the opportunity to buy all the toys the kids think they may need, but boy the satisfaction of being with them and seeing them become confident with their mom and dad around is an awesome feeling. I'm 35 and am only now thinking of what I would like to do in the fall or next spring for a career, my kids are now 8 and 9. Do I feel guilty for not working outside the home, nope! I had a working mom outside the home all my life and it sucked! She missed many things and was not as involved as I would have appreciated as a youngster, that's what comes from being tired. So keep going strong Tanis and just ignore the people who think you should be working, we are . . . we are working on our children!!! God bless.