Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It Can Happen.

If I had been mistaken for a celebrity, it would have been cool. If someone thought that I looked like say, Angelina Jolie, what a boost to my ego! I was a victim of mistaken identity, not once but twice within 2 hours. It was not who I was mistaken for but , what I was mistaken for, that made an interesting afternoon.
Last Sunday,the girls and I were off to church. While getting ready, I chose to wear my black jeans, with my favorite white blouse. It is a wrap around blouse, with a double collar and ties at the side. It was freshly ironed, and because I don't iron often, that in itself, I felt constituted wearing it.I threw on my favorite black shoes. I found my favorite earrings, and grabbed a necklace I thought would complete the outfit. My hair was still somewhat wet from the shower, so I quickly twisted it into a bun and fastened it with a pin. I felt I looked a little "professional " perhaps, but I looked good, and thin. Good enough. I then helped the girls with their dresses and sorted out a shoe fight between them. It's hard having two girls with the same size feet. They don't like to share. When the shoe drama was under control, we headed out the door.

We were late arriving, of course, and I quickly took Gem to her class, and then Jules and I found a seat in the balcony of the really big church. Jules normally attends the Sunday School, like Gem, but opted to watch the service with me instead. It was no ordinary service. Seventeen people were baptized that morning. Among them, Bobbee, the youngest daughter of our dear friends, Dude and Dudette. Even though Jules has watched three baptisms, she still finds them fascinating. I have explained to her the baptism process, why people are baptized, and what it all means. She realizes it's a special day, and she likes watching "the people get dunked, and other people pray for them." It is an emotional moment too, and I felt myself tearing up as I watched the pastor talk to Bobee about her commitment to Christ, and baptize her.

Once Bobbee was baptized, the rest of the service had no interest to Jules, and all she wanted to do was sit with Bobee, Dude, Dudette and their friends. She made the rest of the sermon hard to sit through. She wouldn't sit still. When the service was finally over, I took her down to where our friends were sitting. I gave Bobbee a big hug, left Jules with them and ran off to retrieve Gem.
We decided to head over to Kelsey's for a celebratory lunch because that's where Bobbee wanted to go. The girls wanted the buffet for lunch ,and because they were still offering breakfast dishes, I opted for something from the menu. As I waited for my food I went to wash my hands.
The restaurant was fairly full, we had our table of 12, and I found my self weaving out and around tables to find my way.
On my way back, I was about to reach my table when, one woman, pushed herself out from her table. She had deliberately blocked my path. She reached and grabbed my forearm with a grip that let me know she wanted my attention , NOW.
I plastered a big smile across my face as I bent, looked into her face, fully expecting to hear a compliment on my jewelry, my favorite blouse, or my shoes. Then the following question, "Where on earth did you get it?" (For those of you who don't know me- ebay, ebay, ebay)
For there is nothing more flattering than being stopped by a complete stranger in a public place to be complimented on how you look. But I was about to be seriously disappointed.

Instead of hearing I love that blouse where did you get it?, She turned to me and said," When you head back to the kitchen, tell my waitress that, I am waiting for my toast, he would like some toast with his meal, she would like some more hot water for her tea, we've been waiting for that too, and the rest of us, would like some more coffee, and we need some more creams, please. Did you get all that?"
What the hell happened to my compliment? It's a nice blouse, great even, and I got it for a steal.
It deserved a compliment. She must be blind.
In that split second, I realized two things- She thought I was a waitress. So I said, " I'm going back to sit down at my table now, but If I see my waitress, I'll tell her to check on you."

I sat back down wit Dude and Dudette and told them the story, that's when I realized the second thing. I missed my calling as a waitress, because I not only repeated the entire request to my friends, but I am able to blog for you now.
The meal finally came and the conversation was great. We hadn't been out with them in a while and so it was nice to reconnect. The girls enjoyed the buffet and Gem and Jules ate as many strawberries and whipped cream they could get their hands on.After the meal, I once again excused myself from my company.
On the way back to the table, I was walking towards the entrance to the restaurant, when a nicely dressed woman walked in. She appeared to be n a hurry. She looked around for someone to help her. When she spotted me, her face lit up and she said, "Oh good, " and beckoned to me with her finger. I should have walked over to her and said, "Sit wherever you like. And because you're the 1000th customer through our doors- your meal is on us."

It could happen!

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