Wednesday, June 6, 2007

I've been tagged...

Tex over at the Maru was tagged and is now tagging me. This appears to be very similar to those pesky"Let's find out more about you" forwards that land in my in-box. And those I tend to delete immediately. But because I was one of the few that Tex has "tagged", I'll play along.

1: People who are tagged, write a blog post about their own 8 random things, and post these rules.
2: At the end of your post you need to tag 8 people and include their names.
3: You may need to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

I'm not sure what I want to share with you, but I'll see what happens as I begin to type. So here goes...

1. The one actor who I will watch him in anything , just because He's in it is Colin Firth. I love Pride and Prejudice- the A&E Version, I could watch Mr. Darcy all day. I told Carpenter it was Nicolas Cage because he won't watch anything with Colin Firth in it, with the exception of Nanny McPhee. Others on the I would watch him in anything list include: Viggo Mortensen, (Lord of the Rings)Matthew Maconahey (U-571) and Owen Wilson (Wedding Crashers).

2. Carpenter and I first met in Grade 9 and had crushes on each other. After I moved away it would be almost 10 years before we saw each other again. It was less than one year after we were reunited, that we tied the knot one September afternoon. I was offered a brand new car if I didn't walk down that isle. It is our tenth anniversary this year. Carpenter says if he knew about it, he would have told me to get the car and then we'd elope...

3. I love Running. Seriously. I love feeling the burn in my muscles and then I reach a certain point and the only thing I hear is the pounding of my feet, the rhythm of my heart. I feel like I can run for ever. I would like to train for something like the Boston Marathon one day. But until then I will be satisfied with conquering Hartman Hill.

4.The hardest thing I've ever had to do was lose 40lbs. I didn't do it because I had to do it. I did it because I wanted to. I had had enough. I was ready. And when I reached that point, I didn't even tell Carpenter. I started phoning weight loss programs, and then signed up. The support was there, and Carpenter and the kids were right along side me. Of course there were days when I cheated and the scale didn't move.It was so disheartening. But I am so glad I did. My life changed, my personality changed,and antidepressants were thrown out the window. I believe that anyone can do it, if they are ready, willing, and have that support, and if the support isn't there, call me, I'll be your cheering crowd.

5. There is not a day that goes by that I don't regret having my tubes tied. My dream for having kids was 4. Then with a colicky second baby, I began changing that dream. There are days that are great and one s that I feel like I have to lock myself in the bathroom for a moments peace(refer to my Mother's Day post) but at the end of the day, I would have liked one more.
6. The best parenting book I've read so far is She's gonna Blow! by Julie Ann Barnhill. Granted I haven't read that many, and despite the odd title, it's about dealing with anger when it comes to your kids. to quote Becky Freeman- "To every mother who's ever blown it, yelled when she should have sent herself for a time out, and wants to believe she can change." Yes, I had a hard time. Jules was a difficult baby. For all those of you out there who have experienced a colicky baby you know how tough it can be. And was a huge factor in deciding to have my tubes tied.
7. My scariest moment was staring down the loaded and cocked barrel of a rifle. Carpenter, Patriarch, and I were looking for cattle on range when we came across a drug operation. The guy pointed and cocked the rifle at our heads. I will never forget that barrel, and how he had lined me up in his sites. We fled, called the cops and they confiscated the grow. To this day there have been no arrests.
8.I know the worth of a hard days work. I have had some crappy jobs in my life, I have shoveled cowshit- litterally. I have cleaned up after a construction crew whre the guys didn't use the provided Johnny -on- the- spot. I have peeled logs in the heat of the day and come home with blisters covering my hands. I was even offered a dollar more a sq.ft. if I peeled them in my Bikini. My dignity is worth more than a dollar.

9. I believe there is nothing better than Sunday mornings under the covers with the love of my life. And then of course spending the rest of the day with my kids. Of course I believe in other things too. But that one is up therein my list of "nothing better than.." Although I don't have a list, really. So for Great Norweigian Stuff, Lady Laundry, My Cluttered Desk, Architect, and Montreal Sarah, I can think of nothing better than for you to be TAGGED!

1 comment:

Tex said...

Of course it does beg the question, how much would it have taken to peel logs in a bikini?