My Mom must be impressed too, because after she spend hours finding a particular piece, checking the price, and the rating of the seller, she phones me up and asks me to bid on it for her. Why she just doesn't bid on it herself I'll never understand. But she is my mother and I oblige. Thus, I found myself in the same predicament again. This time it was a pair of amber earrings and a multicolor amber pendant.
Unlike other bargain finds, these pieces, were quite expensive. The earrings were for my Grandmother. But the pendant, the most expensive piece, Mom wanted for herself. She wanted to know what I thought. I remarked on how unique the pendant looked, and how since the package would be coming to my house, possession is nine-tenths of the law and she may just end up by seeing the pendant around MY neck instead. Not impressed with my teasing, she phoned me every day asking if anything arrived in the mail. I told her It would probably take two weeks after they have received payment , and put it in the mail. But her phone calls came everyday regardless.
Finally one day the pendant arrived. I ripped open the package, and the little box the pendant came in. I stared at it. I was stunned. I could not believe I didn't notice it before. The pendant resembled a cougar or leopard or other such cat.

My mother HATES cats. She has spent the majority of my life hating them. If one happened to rub up against her, it would freak her right out.The fact that I used to bring the barn kittens into the house and they would pee under the stove, never helped the situation. I know it tested my relationship with my mother. It wasn't that she hated them in the sense to be mean to them , but rather AVOID them at all costs. A few years back, the century old farm house became infested with mice because of the lack of cats around. When a mouse ran across my Mother's feet one day, That changed her attitude. She now has an appreciation for a cat's purpose- to eliminate mice. She still doesn't LIKE them.
She is certainly NOT willing to wear cat around her neck. Not that she noticed at first. She put it on her chain around her neck. I began to laugh, I couldn't help it. , she was not impressed with me- at all. Especially after I pointed out the cat resemblance. She left the pendant with me, because she wasn't about to wear it.
When Carenter came home, I told him all about it, and he laughed. There are few things my Mom and Carpneter have in common. Their dislike for cats is one. Mom doesn't always appreciate my Husband's sense of humor or practical jokes.(because of a mug incident- I'll have to tell that story another time). All I know is, between me and Carpenter, she will never live this down. EVER.
Hi - was wondering when you were going to start posting again. :) I too hate cats and hate that pendant - no offense to yourself or to any cat lovers out there. How could she not see that it was a cat???
I am not a fan of cats myself. And I didn't notice because I wasn't paying attention. She had it on my "watch" list for a few days. So I figured it was what she wanted. But I guess she wasn't wearing her glasses?
Too funny. Irony is the best laughter. Thanks for sharing.
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